e Acta Geographica Silesiana
Acta Geographica silesiana
Tom 16/3 (47)

Tom 16/3 (47)

rok wydania 2022
Strona tytułowa, redakcyjna i spis treści.


Derraidji S. E., Guessoum D. E., Zennir R. - Analysis and assessment of tourism comfort using The thermal discomfort index (THI) - case study of El Kala Municipality, North-East of Algeria.

Kobziewa Yu. A.- Izuczenije istoriczeskoj dinamiki landszafta za rubieżom.

Potapova A., Pohrebskyi T., Golub G. - The structure of territorial features of agro-resource potential of Volyn Region.

Zennir R., Derradji S. E., Guessoum D. E. - Sustainable tourism and environment valuation of the heights and cosatline of the Edough massif - diversity and strategies of actors.